Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Haitian Easter Hunt....for Crabs

Instead of hunting for easter eggs, the kids got to do a different kind of hunting yesterday. The seaweed drifted into the bay,, and with it came the crabs, hiding inside. The kids and the Haitians began the hunt, shaking out the seaweed into buckets and old tshirts. With the help of our next door neighbor, Molena, we wound up with enough to fry for supper. So instead of coloring eggs, we colored some crabs from blue to bright red. Not much meat, but alot of fun . 

This morning they still had a scavenger hunt designed by the Moms. Clues were hard enough to cause severe anxiety and frustration, but in the end everyone got some candy (thanks to grandpa Frank), they went swimming this morning and got some Haiti French Toast for breakfast. Happy Easter. 

As I floated in the water this morning, all was quiet. The water was calm as glass. I stared up at the sky while listening to the ocean, and I thanked Jesus Christ for His wonderful grace. A grace so wonderful that, while we were yet sinners, He died for us....and Praise God He rose again. The price is paid in full because of His sacrifice. And I can breathe in this salty air, and see this marble blue sky, and float in this sea, because He first loved me.

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