Monday, December 17, 2012

Down To the River

In Haiti, just like it used to be in America, when the people are ready to show the world they want to follow Jesus Christ, they make it public.   They put on their Sunday Best and they walk together to the nearest river to be baptized, singing in worship the entire way.  The world is buzzing by all around them, but many people stop their day-to-day to watch and follow along. Hundreds come down to the river as the Christians make a statement on the outside about something that has already taken place on the inside, in their heart.   Curiosity overflows the cup of every Haitian heart as they witness something much bigger, much more beautiful than themselves.  These people are committing to become disciples, to love as Jesus loves, to forgive as He forgives, devoting their lives by turning from the chains of sin and running into the arms of freedom through obedience to God.

I think this is a large part of what we are missing, America.  We have forgotten what Haiti remembers. Let's learn from the riddled mistakes of tragic headlines and make a U-turn back to Jesus.  His arms are always open to you. While there is still breath in your lungs and blood pumping through your veins, God is not finished with you yet.

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