Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Tank

Our car in Haiti has been having battery issues and is temporarily out of order. It just so happens another ministry I'm working with asked me to please use one of their vehicles. Their's is in perfect working order except that the key is stuck in the ignition and they can't leave it overnight out at their mission until it's repaired. It's a $60,000 Land Cruiser, (basically an ambulance tank) and it drives like a monster down these Haitian roads. So, exactly at the time I need a vehicle, I'm driving the most expensive vehicle I've ever driven, one perfectly suited for the rugged roads, with even a snorkel attached to the carburetor for when i need to cross the riverbed.... does someone want to dare tell me that God is not amazingly powerful and in control? I have a piece of Scripture for you...
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God." ~Jesus (Luke 12)
Oh yes, did I mention, there's been a gas shortage in Haiti since the day before we came. No gas, anywhere. I bought 1 gallon off of a missionary friend in the north, but none where we live. Our car is having issues, sure, but without gas it wouldn't have mattered if it were working. That Land Cruiser that I used to shuttle 54 people, 2 sacks of charcoal and a bed in yesterday and today, it's a diesel. There is no diesel shortage. God had that all figured out too...
Edit that head count. It was actually closer to 80+. I forgot four missionaries, family, some pastors, an inspector, Oberline, Tikilene, some students who'd missed their ride, and 1 dog (Bee) from our old village who attempted a ride when she jumped up into the driver's seat and refused to leave. :)
Here is a shot I tried to snap without attracting attention today. I had the pleasure of riding next to one of the sweetest grandma's ever on the way to the clinic. One hand holding the hankey to her weeping eyes, and the other holding her home-made cane.

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