Saturday, September 10, 2011

110909: Oberline!

I got up early enough to fry some pork salami that I picked up at the market, then I walked up to the orphanage and asked Patchouko to please give it to his wife, Jesula.  She’d made me some Haitian chocolate the morning before, so I wanted to return the favor.  
Emmanuel was there, but he was scheduled for work with Mission Haiti, so I didn’t ask him if he was coming with me.    I think we both understood.
I made the hike up to Saliba’s house, but he wasn’t home.  I talked to his girlfriend and got to see Andi’s newest baby sister.  There were two other boys there, but they wouldn’t talk to me.  They were running around with a voodoo symbol tied onto a stick. I can’t remember the name of the symbol, but it’s the same one I’ve seen scratched onto the walls outside the orphanage.
From there I went on up the mountain until I found Oberline.  Usually when I make a surprise visit, I find her in rags and working very hard. The neighbors normally send a runner out ahead of me and someone warns them that I’m coming, but today I was alone and it was early, so when I popped over the hill, everyone at the house was unaware.   There was Oberline, and my heart leapt.  
She was wearing nice clothes, and she was playing.  
I almost couldn’t believe it, and I quickly discovered why. Standing there in the frame of the house was her father. 
I told him it was good that he was there, and that I’d come only to check on his daughter and make sure she was doing well.  
He smiled.  I asked Oberline if she still had the bible that Lucy from the orphanage had given her, and she told me it was in the house.  They ran and got it for me.  
“It’s good you still have it and that you read it.” I said.  “The bible you have is only the New Testament.  I have a new bible, Old and New Testament, that I brought for you.  Would you like it?”
Oberline has the 9th bible.  I picked up on a hint of mockery from the girls around her as I gave it to her, but I’m used to that, and for the first time I could see Oberline was being influenced by that attitude.  She still has her innocence, but her heart seems a little more hardened.
I took her picture with her father, and thanked him.  I told them that I live in Ti now, and my family is coming next month, so they are welcome to visit.  
When I came down the mountain, everyone seemed to think I was crazy for making the trip alone. Saliba came to see me, and he thanked me for taking care of his son. I told him that Andi is doing well, that he prays for his dad, and that Jesus loves him. I made a call back to the States and we let Andi and his dad talk.
Again today, I had the chance to sit with Patchouko and Robenson, and we talked more about the importance of confessing our sins to one another, that if we’re going to have discipleship and yet lie to our brothers, we may as well not ever get started, in fact we might as well throw our bibles away, because we’re not following our instructions and we’re not following Jezi.
I was asked to pray for a man with a hurt leg, and again there was alot of mocking as I prayed.  When I finished I told them that I know some do not believe in Bondye or Jezi, but I do, and I know He sees me.  I know He loves them, whether they see it or not.   The man I was directing my words to quickly changed the subject and said I have a beautiful machete.  I told him I like coconut.  In fact, if I’d had the Goudes on me today I would have paid some boys on top of the mountain to knock some down for me, but I didn’t have the right change.  I’m not sure, but I think the man asked me if I’d like to have it sharpened the Haitian way, but I told him I can do it myself. 
The Gedna boys also stopped by to say hello, and Woudi told me he could translate for me.  Then he said he was going to go sing at the new night club in Ti.
A huge storm rolled in tonight, and the whole house filled with the noise of rushing wind.  Lighting and thunder were all around.   But I’d already resolved in my mind to give the night to the Lord.  I prayed to Him.  
I heard someone outside my window, or just outside the wall.  Again there was no power and I couldn’t see, but I heard a man chanting, then a strong hissing sound, but it didn’t matter.  I’d given it to the Lord.  My strength here is not sufficient.  But His is. I knew I had a blanket of prayer over me tonight. 
Peace entered my mind, and I slept. 
Some time in the night, the power came on, and I smiled.  That means I’ll have a few frozen bottles of water by the morning, as long as it runs for a few hours. 
Morning has come, or so the rooster’s seem to believe, even though it is only 4 am.  I am refreshed and ready for a new day.   
Brothers and Sisters, this is my prayer for all of us, wherever we are this morning.
Levé briyan com solé la pou Jezi. (Rise and shine like the Sun for Jesus.)

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